
While Rust does have a local build cache in the target folder, you notice that this is not always useful. Especially in the CI system, the entire project is always rebuilt. It makes you wonder if there is some way to cache the build artifacts in a global cache that your team and the CI server can make use of.

Caching build artifacts is a large quality of life improvement: typically, the dependencies do not change too much, and not all of the crates in your project change all the time either. With a good build cache, compiling the project can become very fast.


If you are using a Build System, you may get this for free: Bazel, Buck2 and Nix all support caching compilations.

A simple tool to deploy from the Rust ecosystem is [sccache][], which allows you to cache compilation outputs in various storage options, such as a memcached instance or a cloud storage bucket.


sccache is a tool that allows you to cache built artifacts in the cloud. It allows you to get faster builds, however it also comes with the cost of having to setup and maintain a storage bucket and access tokens for it.

Using sccache in CI


