When you compile Rust code, you have some control over the compiler as to what it prioritizes when building your executables. Everything is a tradeoff, so when you prioritize one aspect, you might see a regression in another aspect. Common priorities are:
- Speed: You want your executables to run as fast as possible. This might lead to an increase in code size, because the compiler will use techniques like inlining or loop unrolling to achieve this.
- Binary size: You want your executables to be as small as possible, for example because you are targetting a resource-constrained platform like embedded microcontrollers with limited flash memory sizes, or you want to be able to easily distribute your binary. This might lead to a negative impact on performance.
Compilation Profiles
In general, the way you exercise control over this is by creating profiles. Every profile comes with a set of parameters that let you tweak how the compiler performs. Typically, when you make debug builds, your main priority is fast compilation times, so you are happy to sacrifice some runtime speed.
A profile definition looks like this:
strip = true
opt-level = 3
Runtime speed
Binary Size
One of your customers deploys the Rust-based tool that you are developing on very small embedded systems which run in an industrial environment. They are severely resource-constrained, making Rust an ideal language to target them. However, the customer has started complaining that the binaries you are shipping him are getting quite large. You are wondering if there are some strategies you can use to reduce the size of the binaries.
There are some low-hanging fruits that can be configured to drastically reduce binary sized in Rust projects. Note that some of these have a cost, in that they lead to longer compile times (for release builds). There are also some structural decisions that can lead to smaller binary sizes.
The simplest way to reduce code size is to set some configuration in the Cargo manifest.
# Automatically strip symbols from the binary.
strip = true
opt-level = "z" # Optimize for size.
# Enable link-time optimization
lto = true
Sometimes, the binary size is caused by some dependencies that you are using.
To analyze this, cargo-bloat
can be used, which measures the
resulting binary and lists the amount that each dependency contributes to the
final binary size. In some cases, this can allow you to investigate if the
dependency could be replaced with a lighter one, or if there are any features
that could be disabled.
Rust’s use of generics means there is a lot of monomorphization.
TODO: Explain monomorphization and boxed trait objects
Min Sized Rust by John T. Hagen
This is a comprehensive guide to producing minimally sized binaries in Rust. It starts with some low-hanging fruits and ends at building the standard library from source to be able to do link-time optimization on it.
Thoughts on Rust bloat by Raph Levien
Article discussing binary bloat in Rust and strategies that might help.
Build Configuration in The Rust Performance Book
Type Sizes in The Rust Performance Book