
This section discusses different ways to architect your project to make use of concurrency or parallelism in Rust.

Concurrency is your program’s ability to track and execute multiple things at the same time. It does not mean that you are using multiple threads, for example using async and a single-threaded executor, you can execute multiple requests concurrently.

Parallelism is when your program executes multiple tasks at the same time,

The biggest question that you need to ask yourself is: do you require the use of async code? This is typically the case when your application is I/O bound and wants to process a lot of requests, or when you want to make use of heavy, lightweight concurrency.

The basic building blocks of programs is threads. When you run some code, it generally has a single thread

Async and Blocking Code

The main difference between async and blocking programming paradigms is the introduction of futures, which represent a computation. While in blocking code, when you run some code, your thread will do only that:

fn main() {

In async code, you split the definition of a computation from its execution. Every async function returns a future that you need to await.

fn main() {

The advantage of this is that it lets you perform high-level operations on computations. It lets you compose them. For example, you can execute multiple futures at once:

fn main() {
let future_1 = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1));
let future_1 = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1));
futures::join(future_1, future_2).await;

You can also wrap your futures into something else, for example adding a timeout to some computation that will cancel it when the time runs out:

fn main() {
tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(1), handle_request()).await;

When should you use async?

When should you consider async code:

  • You’re writing something that is heavily I/O bound, such as a web server, and you want it to be able to scale to a lot of requests and still stay efficient.
  • You’re writing firmware for a microcontroller, and you want it to perform multiple things simultaneously.
  • You want to be able to compose computation in a high-level way, for example wrapping some computation in a timeout.

When should you stick so synchronous code (see also When not to use Tokio):

  • You’re writing a command-line application that only does one thing.
  • You’re writing an application that mainly performes computation and not I/O, such as cryptographic libraries, data structures.
  • Most of the I/O your applications performs is file I/O.

If your crate performs mainly computations, then Rayon is most likely what you want to use. The Rust standard library also comes with code to let you easily and safely create and manage threads.

The caveate around file I/O comes from the fact that in many operating systems there are no asynchronous interfaces for reading from and writing to files. While there is a crate that lets Tokio use io_uring, this only works on Linux and is experimental. For that reason, Tokio spawns a dedicated thread for file I/O and uses blocking calls.

What even is async?

In short, async programming is a paradigm that lets you write scalable applications that have to do a lot of waiting.

If you have some code that is computation-heavy, it will generally not do a lot waiting but rather utilise the CPU efficiently. It might look something like this:

  • graphic of compute-bound thread

However, if you think of a typical request handler, it involves a lot of waiting. It has to accept requests, parse headers, wait for the full request, make some queries to the database, and finally send a response. In terms of CPU utilisation, it means that it will spend the majority of it’s time waiting for things from the network (from client or responses from the database).

  • graphic of network request thread

In traditional applications, you would spawn a thread per connection. Waiting for responses would be handled by the kernel, which would schedule other threads to run while it is waiting. However, the issue with this approach is that switching between threads is a relatively expensive operation, so this approach does not scale well. This means you can run into the C10k problem.

A better approach here is an event-driven one, where you handle multiple connections in a single thread, asking the operating system to notify you if any of them can progress. This lets you use a thread-per-core model, where you don’t spawn one thread per request, but you spawn as many threads as you have CPU cores, and distribute the requests amongs them.

  • graphic of thread-per-core

If you were to implement this in C, you would be using an event-loop library like libuv, which lets you register callbacks when certain operations complete. In Rust, the async runtimes handle all of this for you, letting you write your code “as if” it were running on a thread by itself.

The async runtimes have wrappers for any operations that are “blocking”, meaning that they cause your thread to stall until some event happens. Examples of these are:

  • Waiting for new network connection to come in
  • Waiting for data on a network connection (receiving or sending)
  • Waiting for a write or a read from disk
  • Waiting for a timer to expire

Although support for async-await style programming was only added in Rust 1.39, it has caught on and the Rust community has seen a large number of frameworks being built for async, and a lot of crates that support it.

bubble graph of popular async crates

In general, there are three runtimes that are recommended:

  • Tokio is the go-to runtime for all things async. With over 200 million downloads, it is by far the most popular. At the time of writing, 20,000 crates depend on it (as of August 2024), meaning that it enjoys a very broad support by other libraries.
  • Smol is a small and fast async runtime. It does not have the same amount of features as Tokio does, but due to it’s simplicity it is good for resource-constrained environments or if you want to be able to understand all of the code.
  • async-std is the main competitor to Tokio. It was a project that aimed at making writing async code as simple as using the standard library. It is not as actively developed as Tokio, and in general is not recommended to be used for new projects. A lot of the ideas it came with have been incorporated into Tokio.

Thread-per-Core vs Shared-Nothing

Epoll vs io_uring

How does aysnc work in Rust?

There is the Async Book that goes into much greater depth. But in general, async in Rust

What are some common pitfalls with async in Rust?

Function coloring: design “sync core, async shell”



This article expalains an approach to architecting asynchronous applications that stricly separate IO code from business logic. This concept helps you design applications that can be easily tested, but can run with an asynchronous executor.

\Device\Afd, Or the Deal With the Devil that makes async Rust work on Windows

That Windows has some odd design choices and cruft is has accumulated over the years is not news to any developers that have had to interact with it. This article explains the dark magic that needs to be performed to make async work on Windows for Rust.

Linux AIO

Async Rust Complexity by Chris Krycho

Chris argues that one of the reasons why doing async is difficult in Rust is because of the sheer amount of choice. Various async runtimes and libraries exist, and for a beginner it is difficult to pick one without investigating all of the options.

Rust Stream Visualized by Alex Pushinsky

Visually explains how the Rust asynx stream API works, using diagrams to illustrate the behaviour.

Rust Async Bench

Async Book

Stats on blocking vs async:

Async Rust can be a pleasure to work with without Send, Sync and ’static

How to deadlock a Tokio application in Rust with just a single Mutex

Asynchronous I/O: The next billion dollar mistake?

Measuring Context switching and memory overheads for Linux threads by Eli Bendersky

Eli measures the overhead of using threads in Linux. While Linux threads have a relatively low overhead, the requirement to do a context switch to switch between threads has a mimimum overhead of about 1.2 to 1.5 µs when using CPU core pinning, and 2.2 µs without. This limits how many requests can be served when using a thread-per-request architecture.