Error handling

Error handling is essential to writing robust software. Rust has chosen a model for error handling that emphasizes correctness.

Many programming languages use exceptions to communicate errors. In some way, exceptions are a kind of hidden return value: a function can either return the value it declares it will return, or it can throw an exception.

Rust deliberately chose not to do this, and rather uses return types. This ensures that it is always clearly communicated which failure modes a function has, and failure handling does not use a different channel. It also forces programmers to handle errors, at least to some degree: a fallible function returns a Result<T, E>, and you have to either handle the error (with a match statement), or propagate it up with a ?.

Part of the reason that doing this is ergonomic in Rust is because Rust has great syntactical support for pattern matching. This is not the case for many other languages, which is partially why exceptions were created and remain in use.

Communicating Failures in Rust

Rust has three principal methods of communicating failures. In the order of utility, this is what they are:

  • Missing data: Rust has the Option<T> type, which can communicate if something is missing. Generally, this is not an error. For example, when you look up a value in a map, it will return either None or Some(T).
  • Recoverable errors: Rust has the Result<T, E> type, which can either contain your data as Ok(T), or contain an error as Err(E).
  • Unrecorverable errors: Panics are the Rust way to express an error that cannot be recovered from. This is perhaps the closest thing Rust has to exceptions. These are generated when invariants are invalid, or when memory cannot be allocated. When they are encountered, a backtrace is printed and your program is aborted, although there are some ways to catch them if need be.

Rust also has ways to convert between these types of errors. For example, if a missing key in a map is to be treated as an error, you can write:

fn main() {
// get user name, or else return a user missing error
let value = map.get("user").ok_or(Error::UserMissing)?;

If an error is unrecoverable (or perhaps, you are prototyping some code and chose not to properly handle errors yet), then you can turn a Err(T) into a panic using unwrap() or expect().

fn main() {
let file = std::fs::read_to_string("file.txt").unwrap();

Panics in Rust

We can’t talk about error handling in Rust without mentioning panicing. They are a way to signify failures that cannot reasonable be recovered from. Panics are not a general way to communicate errors, they are a method of last resort.

There are different ways to trigger panics in Rust. Commonly, using panics is used when writing prototype code, because you want to focus on the code and defer implementing error handling when the code works.

For example, when you write some code which traverses a data structure, you might defer implementing the functionality for all edge cases. You can do this by using the todo!() macro, which will trigger a panic if called.

fn main() {
fn test_value(value: &Value) -> bool {
    match value {
        Value::String(string) => string.len() > 0,
        Value::Number(number) => number > 0,
        Value::Map(map) => todo!(),
        Value::Array(array) => todo!(),

Using catch_unwind(), you can catch panics. This might be useful if you use libraries that might panic.

fn main() {
std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {

The Error trait

Libraries for custom error types

Rust comes with some libraries, which can help you integrate into the Rust error system. On a high level, these libraries fall into one of two categories:

  • Custom error types: these libraries allow you to define custom error types, by implementing the Error trait and any neccessary other traits. A common pattern is to define an error type, which is an enumeration of all possible errors your application (or this particular function) may produce. These libraries often also help you by implementing a From<T> implementation for errors that your error type wraps.
  • Dealing with arbitrary errors: In some cases, you want to be able to handle arbitrary errors. If you are writing a crate which is to be used by others, this is generally a bad idea, because you want to expose the raw errors to consumers of your library. But if you are writing an application, and all you want to do is to render the error at some point, it is usually beneficial to use some library which has the equivalent of Box<dyn Error> and lets you not worry about defining custom error types. Often times, these libraries also contain functionality for pretty-printing error chains and stack traces.

In general, if you write a crate that is to be used as a library by other crates, you should be using a library which allows you to define custom error types. You want the users of your crate to be able to handle the different failure modes, and if the failure modes change (your error enums change), you want to force them to adjust their code. This makes the failure modes explicity.

If you write an application (such as a command-line application, a web application, or any other code where you are not exposing the errors in any kind of API), then using the latter kind of error-handling library is appropriate. In this case, all you care about is reporting errors and metadata (where they occured) to an end-user.


The thiserror crate is a popular crate for defining custom errors. It helps you to implement the Error trait for your custom error types. For example:

fn main() {
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum MyError {
    Io(#[from] std::io::Error),
    #[error("user {0:} not found")]


The anyhow crate gives you the ability to work with dynamic and ad-hoc errors. It exports the anyhow::Error type, which can capture any Rust error.

use anyhow::Error;

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let data = std::fs::read_to_string("file.txt")?;




The definitive guide to Rust error handling

Error Handling in The Rust Programming Language

Error handling in Rust: a comprehensive tutorial by Eze Sunday

Rust Error Handling: thiserror, anyhow, and When to Use Each by Momori Nakano

Error Handling in Rust: A Deep Dive by Luca Palmieri

Error Handling in a Correctness-Critical Rust Project by Tyler Neely

Three kinds of Unwrap