Development Environment

This chapter explains what you need to get started writing a Rust project. It outlines how your can install a Rust toolchain, and what editors or IDEs you can use to write Rust code. If you already have a Rust toolchain installed and you have an editor or an IDE that you are comfortable using, you can safely skip this chapter.

Rust Toolchain

The bare minimum you need to get started with to write and build Rust code is a text editor and rustc. However, to do meaningful work, you will likely also need Cargo and some way to manage it, for example to update your Rust toolchains or install support for other targets like WebAssembly.

The recommended approach to install a Rust toolchain that comes with all the components you will need is to install Rustup. This will manage your Rust toolchains, allow you to install and use both the stable and nightly versions of Rust alongside, and will install and manage additional components such as rustfmt for you.


Your operating system might have Rust available in its package manager, however you should be careful about using it. The version available might be outdated, or there might not be a way to use Rust nightly or install a different target. For some tasks, such as writing WebAssembly web frontends in Rust or doing embedded development, you will need to install additional targets so that Rust knows how to compile your code.

To install rustup on Linux, you can run the following command. If you are using Windows, you can find installation instructions on the website.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh


A lot of this book is very command-line centric and as such you may find the experience of using these tools slightly easier on UNIX-like operating systems such as Linux or macOS. This should not come as a surprise, as the majority of Rust developers work on and target Linux. However, Rust loves Windows too, and most of the tools explained here should work on any platform. I try to point out any commands that either don’t work on natively on Windows or require special setup. You can always try WSL2 to to run things if you run into any issues.

With Rustup installed, you should now have access to Cargo and you can use it to manage your Rust installation. Here are some useful commands for reference:

# install a different version of the toolchain (can also give a specific version)
rustup install nightly
rustup install 1.80.0

# install a target
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

# update your Rust toolchain
rustup update

When you use Cargo, Rustup will use your default toolchain. For most of your development, this should be sufficient. However, you can always override this to use a specific toolchain, for example to use nightly for a specific command by adding +<version> to any command:

# build and run tests using the nightly toolchain
cargo +nightly test

If you have Rustup installed and Cargo works, then you are set up for using Rust.

Editors and IDEs

Preferences for development environments amongst developers varies widely. Some developers prefer light-weight editors such as vim, neovim, or helix. These have the advantage of being fast and portable, tend to be easy to extend and rely on keyboard shortcuts to avoid being slowed down by using a mouse. Especially terminal-native developers tend to prefer enjoy these editors, because it means they can do all of their development in the terminal and can even use these editors remotely over SSH.

The other camp likes using IDEs, which are graphical tools for writing code. They tend to integrate very well into the programming languages and have compelling features such as jump-to-definition, show type information or have debugging support built-in. IDEs used to have a bad reputation for being rigid, but modern ones are just as extensible as command-line editors.

In the rest of this section, we will take a look at some of the IDEs that have good support for Rust. When asked in a survey in 2023, the majority of people in the Rust community use either VSCode or vim/neovim. The Are We IDE Yet page tracks the progress of Rust integrations.

However, we will focus on three IDEs, because I think they have the least amount of friction.


This section provides background information on how IDEs integrate with Rust. You can safely skip this if you don’t care how it works under the hood.

Rust Analyzer

Language servers are tools that parse understand programming languages, and expose this data to IDEs. Unline compilers, which run once and produce a binary, language servers are designed to run continuously, generated metadata such as inferred types of values, and implement high-level operations such as refactoring code.

The original language server for Rust was called Rust Language Server, and it used rustc to parse projects. This approached worked initially, but there were issues with latency. Additionally, rustc is not great at handling incomplete or broken code, which is important for language servers as they run while you write code. As a result, RLS was deprecated in 2022.

As a result, a new approach was taken that used a custom parser to be more error-resiliant than rustc, called rust-analyzer.

  • graph of rust-analyzer architecture

The core piece that makes Rust IDEs possible is thus rust-analyzer, which is a project that understands Rust projects and implements the Language Server Protocol, which is a way for IDEs to understand them too and display type annotations, warnings, errors, suggestions.

In general, any IDE that supports the LSP protocol can be used for Rust development using rust-analyzer. The only exception is Rust Rover, which implements it’s own parser for Rust projects.

In general, you don’t need to know much about Rust Analyzer to use it. In fact, many Rust IDEs even bundle it, and will manage and update it for you. You will not even be aware that it is running in the background. But there are some situations where you might need to be aware of its existence. If you use build systems other than Cargo to build your Rust project, for example, then Rust Analyzer might not be able to analyze your project. There might also be cases where it has bugs, because it uses a different parser for Rust than rustc has.


Rust Analyzer Manual

Explains how to install and use rust-analyzer. Has some good advice for how to integrate it into your editor.

Why LSP? by Alex Kladov

Alex explains what problem LSPs solve.

LSP could have been better by Alex Kladov

This article discusses architectural aspects of LSPs, that Alex does not find as brilliant.

LSP: The good, the bad and the ugly

Improving “Extract Function” in Rust Analyzer